
The plan for the community relations of Mina Invierno is based on the statement of corporate values ​​aimed at establishing a way of being and behaving at all times and places. Thus this statement considers security and respect for people and the environment, as well as the commitment to meet our goals and deliver a high performance.

One of the interests of the company is to blend with the challenges of the municipality of Rio Verde, particularly those linked to Riesco Island, which is where Mina Invierno is located.

Moreover, Mina Invierno ensures that its work is fully consistent with the best practices of social and environmental performance, such as those set forth in the “Principles of Ecuador”.

One of the priorities of Mina Invierno is to maintain a relationship of mutual respect and trust with all its neighbors, especially those who inhabit Riesco Island.

Thus, an effective communication flow is established through briefings and a dissemination plan, informing the community of Rio Verde the work of Mina Invierno in all of their areas.

The purpose of this plan is to inform on the activities of the Company, both in terms of its operation, and its activities of relations with the community, as well as receive the perception of it, regarding their interests, needs and concerns.


Mina Invierno integrates workbenches convened by the municipality of Rio Verde, which are aimed at generating community entrepreneurship projects in the cultural, sports and health area, among others. In particular the company has supported the development of training programs for residents according to the needs of the community, such as: use of chainsaws, nursing on livestock, maintenance and installation of electric fences (for cattle), saddlery and computing. In this line, the company has also supported the improvement in equipment of the rural infirmary.


In order to give account about its operational activities and facilitate the exchange of information with the community, organizations, local authorities and businesses, Mina Invierno develops a program of guided tours, getting closer to its dependencies on Riesco island around 5,000 people that saw, in the field, the progress of mining, livestock and reforestation.

This program had a special emphasis on the early years of operation of the company allowing us to publicize the development of this new business initiative.


To understand and respect the concerns, expectations and problems of the community, Mina Invierno developed a culture of respect and commitment to care, and environmental protection that guide the way to relate with the cultural characteristics of their environment.

Mina Invierno operates in a sector that for many years has had as one of its main activities, the cattle ranch. To guarantee respect for this farming culture and the environment, the company has spread among its workers a series of statements regarding:

  1. The non – intervention in the normal development and evolution  of the natural cycles of the local fauna (feeding, breeding, nesting, etc.)
  2. The development of a responsible and friendly behavior with the local community (respect for the cattle drive, travel in vehicle at restricted speeds, avoid annoying noises, etc.).
  3. Caring of the soil and the flora (appropriate disposal of waste, respect for the archaeological sites, fire control, etc.).